Page:A Recitall of that which hath happened in the Kings Armie.pdf/25

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Thoſe within being ſore diſmaied, without anie fight they retired them ſelues into the Donion ſpoken of before; out of which they ſent three Gentlemen the ſame daye, to beſeech the King to receaue them vpon anie compoſition; who aunſwered, that he would not receaue them, but at his own pleaſure; and that they ſhould prooue his clemencie, without binding himſelfe vnto anie condition. Yet notwithſtanding, the morrowe after ſuffering the Countie Briſac to come and ſubmit himſelfe vnto him, he being ouercome with the pitie he had vpon the young Gentleman, graunted to chuſe fifteene of the beſt of them, whom he would keepe priſoners as warlike enemies, and the reſt ſhould be at his Maieſties diſpoſition.

It were not well done to take away the Souldiers honour that were at this ſiege, who in truth did their indeuour: but wee muſt acknowledge this to haue been Gods worke, as a thing moſt admirable vnto vs that ſaw it, that at one inſtant thoſe that ſeemed to be furious Lions, were metamorphoſid into meeker things than Lambes. The Towne being thus taken by aſſault, could not be preſerued from pillaging and ſaccaging: ſo that by this may compariſon be made, between the intertainment that thoſe receiue, which flie vnto his Maieſties clemencie, and thoſe which obſtinately attend the force of his Armie; the one being made whollie deſolate, and the other reioycing in a full and perfect quietnes, making a profit of their loſſe, obtaining by their taking and reduction free libertie, in ſtead of the hard captiuitie which they ſuffered vnder the vnlawfull gouernment of others.
