Page:A Recitall of that which hath happened in the Kings Armie.pdf/20

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At the hower of the entrie, he cauſed the artillerie to be brought before the Caſtle, and ſhot at the defences, and had ſo farre proceeded in this buſineſſe, that hauing found meanes to take away their water, he could in little ſpace haue made breach. His Maieſtie being arriued as aforeſaid, he ſhewed him all that was done, and alſo what was intended to bee done: who anſwered immediatelie that the ſiege wold not be long.

The ſaid Captaine Lago that was in the Caſtle did imagine little leſſe, and at the ſummons which his Maieſtie did cauſe to be made, for to declare that hee was come, he began to be aſtonied: and the morrow after he parleyed, and the ſame day the compoſition was agreed vppon, to ſaue his life and his ſouldiers, with their armes and baggage.

His Maieſtie hauing foreſeene for the aſſurance of the ſaid place, left for Gouernor the Lord Artray, with a good garriſon in the Towne and Caſtle, and departing the ſeuen and twentieth daye, he went and lodged at Seas, where the Biſhop and Cleargie with the Maieſtrates came and met him, and receuied him ſo well, that hee truſted vnto the inhabitants of the place, without leauing therein anie other Garriſon.

He departed thence the morrow after for to go to Argenton, which is a good Towne, in which there is a Caſtle of reaſonable ſtrength: and there was in the ſaid Towne and Caſtle three Enſignes of footemen, which the Countie of Briſaac had lefte there: who with the Cheualier Picard and his Regiment were come from Paris, and had promiſed to ſhewhim-