Page:A Princetonian.djvu/369

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A Discovery.

of this new play? First production, you know. Some pretty girls, eh?"

Madge was biting her lips with anger.

"Glad you admire them, Danforth," said Hart.

"Well," responded the latter, "I did n't know whether you did or not. Look at the one at the end; she 's been doing nothing but gaze at this box since she came on the stage."

Hart looked down the line of gauzy sprites who a moment before, had been kicking recklessly about. They had just come to a halt to allow another band of bespangled creatures in very diaphanous garments, to come on the stage.

"There she is, the one on the left," said Danforth pointing.

It was only by the greatest effort that Newton could control himself or keep from leaping to his feet. A chill came over him, and his breast suddenly grew cold. There stood Mabel Van Clees with a fascinated expression on her face, as her blue eyes looked straight at him. It was horrible. Mabel here, in these surroundings! Dressed in that state of little or nothing! It was like a frightful dream.