Page:A Princetonian.djvu/195

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A Change of Front.

threw his cards upon the board and, lurching upright, started for the door. But before he reached it he fell sideways against the divan, and lay there face downward and open-mouthed. Hart, who had risen as if to catch him felt the floor move sideways beneath his feet, but his brain was clear, and clutching the back of a chair, he steadied himself in an instant. Danforth was as nimble as if not a drop had passed his lips.

"Well, that was sudden," he said calmly; "come, bear a hand, old man, and let's get him off to bed."

They picked up the helpless mass and carried it into the other room, where Danforth, with a grim smile, began slowly to unlace Sprague's shoes. After the task had been finished, they returned to the study.

"What, another one," Danforth chuckled, pointing toward the table.

Kenmore Hollingsworth, with his arms stretched out before him and his curly head resting on his shoulder, sat there fast asleep.

"Don't touch him," said Danforth, "he likes to be left alone."