Page:A Princetonian.djvu/160

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A Princetonian.

in which his room-mate, Manager Bishop, slept, and he awakened the latter by tweaking both of his great toes:

"Resurrect, ye sleeper!" he cried. "Resurrect! The great day is here! Come forth! Break out!"

Bishop aimed a kick at Tommy's chest and threw off the bedclothes, but by this time Tommy had reached the window.

“Bang! Bang!" went the shot-gun, and then the two inhabitants of the corner room in West-middle Witherspoon began to shout:

"Heads out! Heads out! Waow! Ya yi yi yi Waouw!"

The booming of a great tin horn answered from the direction of Edwards, and then six quick pops from a revolver spurted out of a window over the early risers' heads. Another horn took up the tooting. A bunch of fire-crackers began crackling in another direction, and then a screaming and roaring and rippling of sound arose from all over the campus.

The college had not gone crazy as might, at first, have appeared; nor was it a prearranged émeute, or an open rebellion. It was merely the greeting accorded to the Yale Game Day,