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PUBLISHED BY MESSRS. LONGMAN, BROWN, AND 00. 2] —-. ~..-—-«~.».-—-—... A v V-r --so-~ —.-—-v' MAUNDER.—THE BIOGRAPHICAL TREASURY; Consisting of Memoirs, Sketches, and brief Notices of above 12,000 Eminent Persons of all Age and Nations, from the Earliest Period of History; formin a new and complete Dictiona of Universal Biography. By SAMUEL MAUNDER. New dition, revised throughout, an containing a copious Supplement. Fcp. 8vo. 10s. cloth; bound in roan. ms. MAUNDER.—THE TREASURY OF HISTORY; Comprising a General Introductory Outline of Universal History, Ancient and Modern, and a Series of separate Histories of every ripcipal Nation that engists; their Rise, Progress, and Present Condition, the Moral and ocial Character of their respective inhabitants, their Religion, Manners, and Customs, (size. By SAMUEL hlausosa. New Edition. Fcp. 8vo. l0s. cloth; bound in roan, 12s. MAXIMS AND PRECEPTS OF THE SAVIOUR: Being a Selection of the most beautiful Christian Precepts contained in the Four Gospels; illustrated by a series of Illuminations of original character, founded on the Passages- “ Behold the Fowls of the Air,” &c., “Consider the Lilies of the Field,” &c. In a rich binding, in the style of the celebrated opus Anglicum. Square fcp. 8vo. 21s.; or 80s. bound in morocco. MEMOIRS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GREAT BRITAIN, and of the Museum of Economic Geology in London. Published by order of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty’s Treasury. Royal 8vo. with woodcuts and 9 large Plates (seven coloured), 2ls. cloth; and Vol. ll. in Two thick Parts, with 63 Plates (three coloured), and numerous Woodcuts, 42s. cloth, or, separately, 219. each Part.——Also, BRITISH ORGANIC REMAINS; consisting of Plates of Figures engraved on Steel, with descriptive Letterpress, and forming a portion of the Memoirs of the Geological Survey. Decades I. and II. royal Bvo. 2s. 6d. each; or, royal 4to. 4s. 6d. each, sewed. MERIVALE.-A HISTORY OF ROME UNDER THE BMPERORS. Book the First, “Julius Caesar.” By the Rev. CHARLES MERIVALB. 2 vols. 8vo. Nearly ready. MILNER.—THE HISTORY OF THE CHURCH OF CHRIST. By the Rev. JOSEPH MILNBR, A.M. With Additions and Corrections by the Late Rev. Isaac MILNER, D.D. F.R.S. A New Edition, revised and corrected throughout, b the Rev. T. GRANTHAM, B.D. Rector of Bramber, and Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of Ki dare. 4 vols. Svo. £2. las. cloth. THE MIRACLES OF OUR SAVIOUR (ILLUMINATED). With rich and appropriate Borders of original Design, a series of Illuminated Figures of the Apostles, from the Old Masters, six Illuminated Miniatures, and other embellishments. By the Illuminator of the “ Parables.” Square fcp. 8vo. in massive carved covers, 21s.; or bound in morocco. 30s. MITCHELL.—.IOURNAL OF AN EXPEDITION INTO THE Interior of Tropical Australia in Search of a Route from Sydney to the Gulf of Carpentaria. B LIEU?-COLONEL Sir T. Mirciiann, Knt. D.C.L. Surveyor-General of New South “Vales, and late elective Member of the Legislative Council of that Colony. 8vo. with Maps, Views, and Engravings of Objects of Natural History, 21s. cloth. JAMES MONTGOMERY’S POETICAL WORKS. New and onl Complete Edition. With some additional Poems, and Autobio phical Prefaces. Co ected and Edited b Mr. MONTGOMERY. 4 vols. fcp. 8vo. with P0 rait, and Seven other Plates, 20s. cloth; or ound in morocco, 36s. MOORE.-MAN AND HIS MOTIVES. B GEORGE Moons, M.D. Member of the Royal College of Physicians, London, &c._; Author J “The Power of the Soul over the Body,” and “The Use of the Body in relation to the Mind.” New Edition. Post 8vo. 8s. cloth.

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