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PUBLISHED BY MESSRS. LONGMAN, BROWN, AND CO: V— .z¢r<—;;s:§n-nus;-.;szr-«ray V V s -5: V ‘. KIRBY & SPENCE.-AN INTRODUCTION TO ENTOMOLOGY; Or, Elements of the Natural Historiy of Insects : comprising an account of noxious and useful Insects, of their Metamorphoses, , Stra ems, Habitations, Societies, Motion, Noises, Hybernation, Instinct, &c. B W. Kinny, .A. F.R.S. & L.S. Rector of Barham; and W. Season, Esq. F.R.S. 8; L.S. ew Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. with Plates, 31s. 6d. cloth. LARDNER’ S CABINET CYCLOPAEDIA ; Comprising a Series of Original Works on History, Biography, Natural Philosophy, Natural History, Literature, the Sciences, Arts, and Manufactures. By BISHOP THIRLWALL, Sm J/mus Macxnwrosu, Sta Joan Hsascunn, Sis W.u.-raa Soon, Tnouss Moons, Roaaar Sourmzv, and other eminent Writers. The Series, complete, in One Hundred and Thirty-three Volumes. £39. 189. separately, 6s. per volume. The works, THE SERIES COMPRLSB8 :- 1. Bell’s History of Russia .... . . 3 vols. 18s. 2. Bell’s Lives of British Poet . . 2 vols. 12s. 3. Brewster’s Treatise on Optics. 1 vol. 6s. 4. Cooley’s History of Maritime and Inland Discovery .... . . 3 vols. 18s. 5. Crowe’s History of France . . . . 3 vols. 18s. '6. De Morgan’s Treatise on Pro- babilities ................ .. 1 vol. 6s. 7. De Sismondi’s History of the Italian Republics ........ .. 1 vol. 6s. 8. De Sismondi’s Fall of the Roman Empire . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 vols. l2s. 9. Donovan’s Treatise on Chemis- try ...................... .. 1 vol. 6s. 10. Donovan’s Domestic Economy 2 vols. 12s. 11. Dunham’s History of Spain andPortugal ...... .. 5vols. 30s. 12. Dunham’s History of Den- mark, Sweden, and Norway.. 3 vols. 18s. 13. Dunham’s History of Poland . 1 vol. 6s. 14. Dunham’s History of the Ger- manic Empire ........... . .. 3 vols. 183. I5. Dunham’s History of Europe during the Middle Ages .. . . 16. Dunham’s Lives of British 4 vols. 24s. Dramatists . . .. .. ........ .. 2 vols. 12s. 17. Dunham’s Lives of Early Wri- ters of Great Britain ...... . . 1 vol. 6s. 18. Fergus’s History of the United States .................... .. 2 vols. 12s. 19. Fosbroke’s Grecian and Ro- man Antiquities . . ........ .. 2 vols. 12s. 20. Forster’s Lives of the States- men of the Commonwealth. . 5 vols. 30s. 2!. Forster, Mackintosh, and Cour- tenay’s Lives of British Statesmen.. 7 vols. 42s. 22. Gleig’s Lives of Military Com- manders.. .. .. ............ .. 3 vols. 18s. 23. Grattan’s History of the Ne- therlands ............... . . . 1 vol. 6s. 24. Henslow’s Treatise on Botany 1 vol. 6s. 25. Herschel’s'l‘reat.onAstronomy 1 vol. 6s. 26. Herschel’s Preliminary Dis- course on the Study of Natural Philosophy................ lvol. 6s. 27. Historyofllaome .... .. 2vols. 12s.‘ 28. History of Switzerland . . . . . . 1 vol. 6s. 29. I-Iolland’s Treatise on the Ma- nufacturesin Metal... ..... .. 3vols. 18s. 30. James’sLivesofForeign States- 5vols. 30s. 31. Kater and Lardner’s Treatise on Mechanics ............ .. 1 vol. 6s. 32. Ke1ghtley’s Outlines of History 1 vol. 6s. 33. Lardner’s 'I‘reat.on Arithmetic 1 vol. 6s. 34. Lardner’s Treat. on Geometry. 1 vol. 6s. 35. Lardner’s Treatise on Heat . . 1 vol. 6s. 36. Lardner’s Treatise on Hydro- statics and Pneumatics . . . . 1 vol. 6s. 37. Lardner and Walker’s Electri- city and Magnetism .. .... .. 2 vols. 12s. 38. Mackintosh, Wallace, and Bell’s History of England. . . . . . . . 10 vols. 60s. 89. Montgomery and Shelley’s Lives of Italian, Spanish, and _ Portuguese Authors . . . . . . . . 3 vols. 18s. 40. M_oore’s History of Ireland. . . . 4 vols. 24s. 41. N1colas’s Chronol. of History. 1 vol. 6s. 42. Ph1lhps’s Treatise on Geology. 2 vols. 12s. 43. Powell’ History of Natural Philosophy ................ .. 1 vol. 6s. 44. Porter’s Treatise on the Manu- facture of Silk ............ . . 1 vol. 6s. 45. Porter’s Treatise on the Ma- nufacture of Porcelain and Glass .................... .. 1 vol. 6s. 46. Roscoe’s Lives of Brit. Lawyers 1 vol. 6s. 47. Scott’s History of Scotland. . . . 2 vols. 12s. 48. Shelley’s Lives of French Au- thors .......... 2vols. 12s. 49. Shuckard and Swainson’sTrea- tiseon Insects 50. Southey’s Lives of British Ad- mirals .................... .. 5 vols. 30. 51. Stebbing’s Hist. of the Church 2 vols. 12s. 52. Stebbing’s History of the Re- formation ........... .. 2vols. 12s. 53. Swainson’s Preliminary Dis- course on Natural History .. 1 vol. 6s. 54. Swainson’s Natural History and Classification of Ani- 1 vol. 68. mals ............ .. .. ...... .. 1 vol. 6s. 55. Swainson’s Habits and In- stincts of_Animals .......... . . 1 vol. 6s. 56. Swainson’s Quadrupeds .... . . 1 vol. 6s. 57. Swainson’s Birds .......... . . 2 vols. 12. 58. Swainson’s Fish, Reptiles, &c. 2 vols. 12s. 59. Swainson’s Shells and Shellfish l vol. 63. 60. Swainson’s Animals in Mena- 0IOlOOlOClOOsOooloossa 68a 61. Syvainson’sTaxidermyandBib- liography ..... lvol. 6s. 62. Thirlwall’s History of Greece 8 vols. 48s.