Page:A Practical Treatise on Brewing (4th ed.).djvu/187

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tainable. And we do think that in the production of an article so indispensable to the working classes as beer is now considered, no exertion should be spared to produce it in all cases of the very best quality.

We have only further to add, that this treatise is based entirely on our own practice, without reference to the opinions of other writers on the subject; during which, in many and various situations, we have had opportunities of seeing very different modes of working—and that in most instances we have found, that where brewing was not conducted successfully, causes existed which might be traced, and which, when traced, might be removed with certain advantage to the brewer; and having stated only that which we have already ascertained to be true, we are persuaded that the whole will be confirmed by the results of well directed and scientific practice.