Page:A Konkani Grammar by Angelus Francis Xavier Maffei.pdf/23

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This Grammar was at first intended for private circulation among the Missionaries of this Vicariate. Hence there are many things which will probably be unintelligible to the general reader. It was only when a great portion had already passed through the press, that at the repeated request of friends it was thought not imprudent to present it to the general public.

This book in the main has been composed, on account of urgent necessity, within a few months, without any other assistance than what could be derived from a study of the spoken language in its many varieties, choosing the forms which seemed to be more exact and forming some general rules by way of induction, and this, after a year and half's acquaintance with English and Konkani. Hence the reader cannot expect either a perfectly English style or a masterly arrangement of the various parts of the Grammar, or a thorough accuracy in the formation of rules, or faultless purity in the Konkani language itself.

One word about the second appendix. After careful consideration the author has deviated from the common way, in writing Konkani with Kanarese characters, and this for the reasons touched upon in the Parergon. If this new way does not prove suitable, the common one can be kept.