Page:A Key to the Lock. Or, A Treatise Proving, Beyond All Contradiction, the Dangerous Tendency of a Late Poem, Entituled, The Rape of the Lock, to Government and Religion - Pope (1715).djvu/34

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A Key to the Lock.
Some in the Fields of purest Æther play,
And bask and whiten in the Blaze of Duy.
Some guide the Course, &c.

6thly. He hath given his Spirits the Charge of the several Parts of Dress; intimating thereby, that the Saints preside over the several Parts of Human Bodies. They have one Saint to cure the Tooth-ach, another cures the Gripes, another the Gout, and so of all the rest.

The flutt'ring Fan be Zephyretta's Care,
The Drops to thee, Brillante, we consign, &c.

7thly. They are represented to know the Thoughts of Men.

As on the Nosegay in her Breast reclin'd,
He watch'd th' Ideas rising in her Mind.

8thly. They are made Protectors even to Animals and irrational Beings.

Ariel himself shall be the Guard of Shock.

So St. Anthony presides over Hogs, &c.

9thly. Others are made Patrons of whole Kingdoms and Provinces.

Of these the chief the Care of Nations own.
