Page:A Journal of the Plague Year (1722).djvu/61

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Houſe then into their own, or into that whereunto they are directed or ſent for; but to forbear and abſtain from Company, eſpecially when they have been lately uſed in any ſuch Buſineſs or Attendance.


'THAT where ſeveral Inmates are in one and the ſame Houſe, and any Perſon in that Houſe happens to be Infected; no other Perſon of Family of ſuch Houſe ſhall be ſuffered to remove him or themſelves without a Certificate from the Examiners of Health of that Pariſh; or in default thereof, the Houſe whither he or they ſo remove, ſhall be ſhut up as in caſe of Viſitation.


'THAT care be taken of Hackney-Coach-men, that they may not (as ſome of them have been obſerved to do) after carrying of infected Perſons to the Peſt-Houſe, and other Places, be admitted to common uſe, till their Coaches be well aired, and have ſtood unemploy'd by the Space of five or ſix Days after ſuch Service.

Orders for cleanſing and keeping of the Streets Sweet.

The Streets to be kept clean.

'FIRST, it is thought neceſſary, and ſo ordered, that every Houſholder do cauſe the Street to be daily prepared before his Door, and ſo to keep it clean ſwept all the Week long.

That Rakers take it from out the Houſes.

'THAT the Sweeping and Filth of Houſes be daily carry'd away by the Rakers, and that the Raker ſhall give notice of his coming, by theblowing