Page:A Journal of the Plague Year (1722).djvu/24

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my God, in him will I truſt. Surely he ſhall deliver thee from the ſnare of the fowler, and from the noiſom peſtilence. He ſhall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings ſhalt thou truſt: his truth ſhall be thy ſhield and buckler. Thou ſhalt not be afraid for the terror by night, nor for the arrow that flieth by day: Nor for the peſtilence that walketh in darkneſs: nor for the deſtruction that waſteth at noon-day. A thouſand ſhall fall at thy ſide, and ten thouſand at thy right hand: but it ſhall not come nigh thee. Only with thine Eyes ſhalt thou behold and ſee the reward of the wicked. Becauſe thou haſt made the Lord which is my refuge, even the moſt High, thy habitation: There ſhall no evil befal thee, neither ſhall any plague come nigh thy dwelling, &c.

I ſcarce need tell the Reader, that from that Moment I reſolv'd that I would ſtay in the Town, and caſting my ſelf entirely upon the Goodneſs and Protection of the Almighty, would not ſeek any other Shelter whatever; and that as my Times were in his Hands, he was as able to keep me in a Time of the Infection as in a Time of Health; and if he did not think fit to deliver me, ſtill I was in his Hands, and it was meet he ſhould do with me as ſhould ſeem good to him.

With this Reſolution I went to Bed; and I was farther confirm'd in it the next Day, by the Woman being taken ill with whom I had intended to entruſt my Houſe and all my Affairs: But I had a farther Obligation laid on me on the ſame Side; for the next Day I found my ſelf very much out of Order alſo; ſo that if I would have gone away, I could not, and I continued ill three or four Days; and this intirely determin'd my Stay; ſo I took my leave of my Brother, who went away to Darking in Surry, and afterwards fetch'd a Round farther into Buckinghamſhire, or Bedfordſhire, to a Retreat he had found out there for his Family.
