Page:A Journal of the Plague Year (1722).djvu/144

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Memoirs of

This inequallity, I ſay, is exceedingly augmented, when the Numbers of People are conſidered: I pretend not to make any exact Calculation of the Numbers of People, which were at this Time in the City; but I ſhall make a probable Conjecture at that part by and by: What I have ſaid now, is to explain the miſery of thoſe poor Creatures above; ſo that it might well be ſaid as in the Scripture. Wo! be to thoſe who are with Child; and to thoſe which give ſuck in that Day. For indeed, it was a Wo to them in particular.

I was not converſant in many particular Families where theſe things happen’d; but the Out-cries of the miſerable, were heard afar off. As to thoſe who were with Child, we have ſeen ſome Calculation made 291 Women dead in Child bed in nine Weeks; out of one third Part of the Number, of whom there uſually dy'd in that Time, but 48 of the ſame Diſaſter. Let the Reader calculate the Proportion.

There is no Room to doubt, but the Miſery of thoſe that gave Suck, was in Proportion as great. Our Bills of Mortality cou’d give but little Light in this; yet, ſome it did, there were ſeveral more than uſual ſtarv’d at Nurſe, But this was nothing: The Miſery was, where they were (1ſt) ſlarved for want of a Nurſe, the Mother dying, and all the Family and the infants found dead by them, meerly for want; and it may ſpeak my Opinion, I do believe, that many hundreds of Poor helpleſs Infants periſh’d in this manner. (2dly) Not ſtarved (but poiſon’d) by the Nurſe, Nay even where the Mother has been Nurſe, and having receiv'd the Infection, has poiſon’d, that is, infected the Infant with her Milk, even before they knew they were infected themſelves; nay, and the Infant has dy’d in ſuch a Caſe before the Mother. I cannot but remember to leave this Admonition upon Record, if ever ſuch another dreadful Viſitation ſhould happen in this City; that all Women that are with Child or that give Suck ſhould be gone, if they have any poſ-