Page:A History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 2.djvu/627

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MASHITA. INDEX. MOORS. nil Mashita, palace at, plan, i, 387. Triapsal hall, 388. Western octas;on tower, 389. Fagade, 390. Elevation restored by the author, 392. Mass, as an element in Architecture, i, 16. Matera, cathedral at, ii, 382. Window, 382. Materials in architecture: stone and brick, 1, 19, 20. Plaster, wood, cast- iron, 21. Mausolus, tomb of, at Halicarnassus, i, 272. View and plan as restored by the Author, 273. Dimensions and de- scription, 274. Maxentius, basilica of, or Temple of Peace, its dimensions, i, 24. Con- sidered as an example of P.oinan art, 296. Description, plan, sections, etc., 318-320. Its stucco ornaments, 334. Proix)rtion of solids to area, 581. Mayence Cathedral, ii, 17. Its chief features, 18. Its western apse, 21. The Kauf Haus. 84. Mecca, the Kaaba at, i, 65, 202, ii. 499, 501. Arrangements, details, etc., of it, and of the Great Mosque, 517, 518. Mechlin, i, .589. Intended Town-hall, 605. Medina, Mahomet's Mosque at, ii, 499. 501. Medinet-Habou, temple of, i, 122. Pa- vilion of Rhamses, 1.30, 131. Megalithic period in England, ii, 121. Meillan, chateau of, i, -585. Meissen Cathedral, ii, 65. Nave, 78. Baptistery, 81. Melrose Abbey, ii, 202, 214. Aisle, 215. East window, 216. Memnoniuin. the, i, 121. Memphis, i, 89. Mariette's explorations, 90. Dynasties of Pyramid-building Kings, ibid. Magnificence of the city, destruction of its monuments, etc., 114, 115. Menoux, S., church at; exterior, i, 503. Chevet and narthex, 504 Meroe. the alleged parent state of Egypt, i, 140. Ren-ains of Ethiopian temples and pyramids. 141. Arches, 207. Merovingian Kings, no architectvu'al re- mains of the, i, 522. Messina, architecture of, ii, .399, 400. The Nunziatella, 399. Cathedral, 404. Metal used in Roman architecture, 372. Metz Cathedral, pleasing features of, ii, 77. Mexico, primitive perfection of the arts in, i, 62. Early inliabitants, ii, 563. Recent artistic explorers, 564. Toltecs and Aztecs; result of the Spanish eon- quest, .564-.566. Alleged Buddhist Sculptures: Eastern prototypes of Mexican forms, .567, .568, 571. Teo- callis or pyramid-temples, 569, 570. Temple or palace at Mitla, 571, 572. Buildings of Yucatan, 573-575. Prin- ciples of construction, 577-579. Michael Angelo, ii, 547. Michel, Mont St., medieval features retained at, i, 587. Milan Cathedral, i. 24, 554, ii, 272. Its architect, .322, 324, 338. Plan, sec- tion, interior, original model, etc., 338-343. Circularchurch of San Lo- renzo, its mutilations, etc., i, 4:36, 4:^7. Church of San Ambrogio, its atrium, silver altar, bronze doors, etc., ii, ;j05-

307. Its additional tower, 317.

Milan city, half (Tcrman, ii, 293, 297. The Great Hospital, 360. Miletus, Ionic temple at, i, 246. Minars and Minarets, their beauty, ii, 513. Examples: Tunis, 520. Sta. So- phia, 544. Erzeroum, 551. Minden, church at, ii, 22. Minerva, temple of, at Sunium, i, 244. _ Minerva Medica, temple or tomb of, i,

]47. Peculiar features of its construc-

tion, 348, 349, ii, 437. Miniato, S., Florence, i, 420. Dimen- sions, ii, ;370. Plan, 371. Section, 372. Misitra, Sparta, church of the Virgin at, ii, 460, 468. Apse, 461. Missionary zeal of the Buddhists, ii, 507. Missolonghi, doorway at, i, 238. Mitla, Mexico, temple at, ii, .571. Palace, 572. Modena, cathedral at, ii, 310. Octagon, 318. Ghirlandina tower, 320. Mogrebin, mosque of the. ii, 502. Moguls of India, sepulchre-palaces of tiie, i, 110. Mohammed, kp*' Mahomet. Mohammed ben Alhama, founder of the Alhambra, ii, .532. Moissac, church at, i, 471. Plan, 471. Mokwi, Armenia, Byzantine church at, ii, 468, 483. Molfetta, Apulia, church at, ii, 868. Plan and section : its domes, ;395. Monasterboice, Ireland, early doorway at, ii, 2:37, 238. Monasteries: St. Gall, ii, 5-9. Ireland, 227. Spain, 281, 283. Kelat Seman, 423. Troitzka, Moscow, 490. Monkwearmouth, ii, 126. Saxon door- way, 127. Monreale: Plan of church at, ii, 401. Nave, 402. Its mosaic decorations, 403. Cloisters, 404. Fountain. 405. Mosaic pictures or stained glass '? 406. Mons, Ijelgium, i, .589. Church of St. Waudru, 598. Polychromatic effects, 598. Town-hall, 605. Mont Majour. triapsal church at, i, 462. Mont St. Angelo, baptistery of, ii, 395. Mont St. Micliel, Normandy, medieval featm-es, preserved in, i, 587. Montierneuf, church of, i, 488. Monza. example of brick architecture from, ii, 361. Moors, the, in Spain, ii, 243, 244, 250, 253, 276, 521. Characteristics of the Moresco style : region in which it pre-