Page:A History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 2.djvu/610

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594 -ILOST. INDEX. ARCH. Alost, belfry of, i. 601. Alsace, i, 447. Churches: Rosheiin, ii, 31. Ottmarsheim, 40. Thann, 65. Its glory and boast, 65. See Strasburg. Altenberg, cloisters at, ii, 49. Altenburg, near Cologne, merits of cliurch of. ii, 57. Altenfurt, circular cliapel at. ii, 43. Alyattes, tomb or tmnulus of, i, 221, 222. 284, 286. Amalfi, cloisters at, ii, 387. Amati, facade of Milan Cathedral finished by, ii, 342. Amenophis III., tomb of, i, 128. America, ancient, architecture of, ii, 563. Amiens Cathedral, i, 455, 533. Its plan, 537. Proportional defects, 542. Flying buttresses, 575. .Stalls, 582. Compared with Cologne,, ii, 59, 60. With English examples, 163, 165, 167. Amphitheatre: Etruscan, at 8utri, i, 283, 324. Flavian, or Colosseum, Rome, 326-328. Capua, 329. Nimes, Ve- rona, Pola, 329. Otricoli, the '* Cas- trense," Aries, 330. Ann-ith, peculiar monument and tomb at, i, 229. Amrou. mosque of, ii, 406. Date and original dimensions. 507. Ground-plan and arches, 508, 509. Minaret, 513. Amsterdam, churches at, i, (508. Ancona, Trajan's arch at, i, 335. Ancyra, chiu-ch of St. Clement at, ii, 454. Andernach, church at, ii, 29. The Weigh-tower. 85. Andrew's, S. .Scotland, cathedral of, ii, 220. Angeli. S. Perugia, circular church of, i, 432, 433. Angelo, S. castle of, Rome, i, 344. Bap- tistery of Mont at. Angelo, ii, 395. Angers, cathedral of, i, 483. Church of St. Trinite, 484. St. Sergius, 486. Arches recently discovered, castle, etc., 490. Angilbertus, silver altar of, ii, 306. Angouleme, domical cathedral of, i, 469. Plan and section, 470. Facade, 480. Ani, capital of Armenia, cathedral of, ii, 470. Side elevation, 471. Tombs, 472. Cohmm, 474. Anjou, architectural province of, its boundaries, etc., i, 443, 446. Age of its greatest splendor, 483. Examples of its church architecture, 483-489. Conventual buildings, castles, etc., 489, 490. Announa, Algeria, basilican church at, i, 404. Antelami's baptistery, Parma, ii. 350. Anthemius of Thralles, great architec- tural work of, ii. 443. Antinoe, Hadrian's arch at, i, 336. Antioch.Constantine's church at, ii, 435. Antoninus and Faustina, temple of, i, 301, 307. Antrim, tower-doorway in. ii, 233, note^ 235. Antwerp Cathedral, i, 540, 589. Propor- tional defects, 595. Plan and Spire, 596. Church of St. Jacques, 598. Boucherie, 605. Exchange, 605. Apocalyptic churches, the seven, ii, 229. Apollinare Nuovo and Apollinare in Classe, SS., Ravenna, basilicas of, i, 422-424. Apollo, temples of: Branchidaj, i, 247, 248. Bassa?, 260, 264. Apollo Didymttus, Ionic temple to, i, 246. Dimensions, 248. Apollo Epicurius, Doric temple of, i, 243. Apostles, churches dedicated to the: Co- logne, i, 592. Salonica, ii, 24. Con- _ stantinople, 457, 5:38. Appian Way, i, 373. Apse, early example of, i, 306. Its use in Roman basilicas, 318, ;j21, 402. In early Christian chm'ches, 404. Ra- venna, 423. Treble apse, 424. Torcello,. 427. Singular example at St. Quiuide, 45(). Alet, 457. Tri-aj^sal church, Planes, 462. Cruas, 463. Romanesque form, 475. The apse proper as distin- guished from the chevet, 475. Quer- queville, 512. St. Stephen's, Caen; Bayeux, .520. Gernrode, il, 12. Treves, 15. Mayence, 21. Cologne, 24-26. Bonn, 2(). Scandinavian example, 101. St. Bai-tolomeo, Toledo, 280. Pavia, 305. Verona, 310. San Pellino, 377. Eydda, 412. Kalb Lou- zeh, 425, 426. Salonica, 457. Misita, 461. Use made of the apse, ii, 172. >SVe Chevet. Apulia, churches in, ii, ;>68, 377, 390. Aqueduct: Eti-uscan, at Tusculum,i, 291. Roman, at Nimes, Segovia and Tarra- gona, 373, 374. Aqiuleja, basilican church at ii. 11, note. Aquitania, architectural boundaries of i, 443, 445. Style pecidiar to the pro- vince, 466. Examples of same, 4(i7 — 482. Chevet churches, 473—479. Fa- cades, 480. Arabs, architectural habits of the, ii, 499. Considerations in regard to their im- migration into other lands, 498 — 500. Arbroath, ii, 222. Arc de I'i^toile, Paris, i, 30. Arcades of the Romans, i, 303. At Spa- latro, ;^04. German example, ii, 45. Holyrood, 219. St. Giovanni in Laterano, 389. Saracenic, 510. Arch, objection of the Hindus to the, i, 22. 207. To what extent known to the Egyptians. 204-208. Examples at Niinroud and Kborsabad, 205. Oldest in Europe, 20(;. Delos, 237. Etruscan examples, 290, 291. Advances of the Romans, 296. Screen at Angers, 490. Horseshoe arch at Gollingeu, ii, 29. Oxford, 149. .Jedburgh, 204. Kelso, 205. Holyrood, 219. Clonmacnoise,