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THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1789-1894. By John Fiske, Carl Schurz, William E. Russell, Daniel C. Oilman, William Walter Phelps, Robert C. Winthrop, George Bancroft, John Hay, and Others. Edited by Gen. James Grant Wilson. With 23 Steel Portraits, facsimile Letters, and other lUustrations. 8vo. Cloth, $3.50.

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"There is an added value to this volume because of the fact that the story of the life of each occupant of the White House was written by one who made a special study of him and his times. . . . An admirable history for the young"—Chicago Times.

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"These names are in themselves sufficient to guarantee adequacy of treatment and interest in the presentation, and it is safe to say that such succinct biographies of the complete portrait gallery of our Presidents, written with such unquestioned ability, have never before been published."—Hartford Courant.

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New York : D. APPLETON & CO., 72 Fifth Avenue.