Page:A Family History of Venkatagiri Rajas.djvu/91

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person for the place, having already heard of his courage and loyalty in putting down the rebel Matla Appala Rai and having also received his personal help in his Deccan campaign. But Zulphur Khan received information about this from his friends at Delhi and so began to plan his murder and be rid of the Rajah. On the day of Mahar-Navami in 1693 A.D., he went on some pretext to North Mallur, the Rajah's capital, and knowing that on that day all weapons of war were reserved for special worship, and were not therefore available for war or wear, he invited the Rajah to his own tent for a short interview. The latter of course went unarmed, and after a few minute's conversation with him in the tent, the Nawab withdrew on some plea leaving the guest inside. Soon the ropes were cut and the whole tent was instantly pulled down on the head of the Rajah inside to cause him sudden death.