Page:A Family History of Venkatagiri Rajas.djvu/251

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bearing date in the year 1792 that your connection with His Highness should cease and that you should be subjected exclusively to the British Government. From that time accordingly you have continued to pay the established Peishcush free from all demands of Nuzzer, and have enjoyed your Zemindari free from all other public charge, than that attending the military establishments attached to the conditions of your tenure.

3. The prosperous course of events which has attended the exertions of the British Government to fix the tranquillity of the Deccan upon a permanent foundation, has rendered it necessary for me to revise the state and condition of all the military establishments dependent on this Government. For this purpose, I directed the Collector of the Western Peishcush to transmit to me copies of the Sannads in your possession, with returns of the troops maintained by you in conformity to your engagements. These