Page:A Family History of Venkatagiri Rajas.djvu/170

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villages, belonging to the Estate proper, 625 hereditary enjoyment villages, 215 Agraharams or Shrotriems, 10 Amarams or personal Inams and 12 temple Agraharams. The total income comes to about eleven lakhs, of which one lakh and seventy three thousands come from Agraharams, of which Rs. 19,000 go to the temples. The annual Peishkist is three lakhs and sixty-nine thousands and with road-cess and other charges the total amount due to the Government is about four lakhs and forty thousands. This amount is much more than that of other Zemindaries as in this case it has been fixed on terms of Military Tenure. The Swarnamukhi, the Musi and the Gundlakamma flow through several parts of the Estate. The chief products are corn, cholam, varigi and castor-seed. There were some ancient stone fortifications here and there but they had all gone to decay, and only relics are seen in places like Pellur, Pothakamur, Kurchedu