Page:A Family History of Venkatagiri Rajas.djvu/129

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after the damage the Rajah returned and rebuilt the town and the palace at a great cost, which will be described later.

In 1790 A.D. he helped the Nawab and the English in a war with Tippu Sultan, the son of Hyder, and then got from His Excellency the Governor of Madras a reward of 200 muskets and an "Inayat Namah," dated 17th August, 1790, in appreciation of the valuable help given. Just then a dispute arose between the heads of this Estate and of Kalahasti as to priority in the matter "Nagara Kuchi" (the first drum in battle), the Governor of Madras decreed after full inquiry into the prevailing custom, in favour of Venkatagiri.

Again in 1799 A.D., when the troops of Asabja Bahadur, Nawab of Arcot, and those of the English were marching through his Estate the Rajah displayed true loyalty by sending ready and ample supplies to the English army and then received from His