Page:A Family History of Venkatagiri Rajas.djvu/104

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terms and concluded peace by thenceforward colouring his Nishan.

On another occasion the Rajah had been absent in the Nizam's dominions at the request of the Nizam, having left the management in the hands of the eldest son. The younger son then quarrelled with his brother and retiring to the taluks in the north advised the people there to withhold paying rent to his brother. The elder at once wrote to his father who hastened to Kurchedu and chastised his son for the unbecoming behaviour. Then the enemies of the Rajah, who were the cause of sowing such seeds of disaffection between the brothers next came to the father to try their skill in that direction, but the father soon understood their real motives and thought to punish them, when they escaped and rose in open revolt. A fight ensued in which they were completely routed and the Rajah was much praised for his timely courage and tact.

Literary. — As a man of letters he stands unrivalled in his knowledge of both Sanskrit