Page:A Dissuasion from the Slave Trade.djvu/66

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then we may with a good face and conscience travel into the heart of Africa, and meet with a friendly and hearty reception from the natives, who will trade with us, and give in exchange their valuable productions for our goods which are generally exported thither.

When that great, that only chief obstacle, the Slave Trade is removed, then Britain and the Colonies will flourish by so great and profitable a Commerce. Think what a great addition it will make to their traffick, the furnishing a hundred thousand people annually, more than are at present with cloathing, powder, shot, and warlike arms, and many more things needless here to enumerate out of England; rum, and sundry other articles out of America and the West-Indies. It is supposed that the above extraordinary number of Blacks are taken out of Africa yearly, and either murdered or made Slaves of, by the ships that go there out of Boston, &c. and what advantages may arise to the inhabitants in peopling, and consequently of cultivating and manuring their ground, and of bringing their rich trade to the perfection it is capable of, with Britain, &c. is hard to say, when the innermost parts of that great and fruitful country is settled,and