Page:A Dissuasion from the Slave Trade.djvu/19

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THE subject of which these few sheets treat, would have been one of the last I should have ventured upon, had not the delusion of the men who are concerned in enslaving the people called Negroes appeared so glaring, and the contradiction that the Slave Trade bears to Christianity, prompted me to it.

I Shall be as cool and impartial in treating of this matter, as any British subject or Christian can: But why do I say cool? It is impossible I should speak cooly of such base, unchristian, and inhuman practices, in a land of Liberty and Christianity: However, in case any thing should be mentioned in the sequel that may give unintended offence to any person, I hope the tender feelings for these distressed Captives, with which I am possessed, and the warmth that is in my breast, to have this Trade abolished, will be sufficient excuse.

I propose dividing the following Treatise into these different heads.