Page:A Dissertation on the Construction of Locks (1785).pdf/61

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is the Author, Patentee, and ſole Proprietor.

FirstThe new-invented Patent Water-Closets, which act with Valves; and, are ſo conſtructed, as to exclude all Effluvia.
Second—The Patent Locks for Doors, Cabinets, &c. conſtructed on a Principle entirely new, and ſo perfectly secure, as to defy the utmoſt Efforts of Art or Ingenuity to open them.
Third—The Patent Cock for Ciſterns, Caſks, Pipes, &c. which is not only free from every Inconvenience, to which other Cocks are liable; but, hath likewiſe the peculiar Property of becoming more perfect by Uſe.
Fourth—An Hydroſtatical Machine conſtructed on a New Principle, for raiſing Water from any Depth, and carrying it to any given Height; by which Mines, or Ships may be cleared;—Houſes ſupplied;—Fires extinguiſhed, &c. with leſs Labour and with greater Effect, than by any other Machine that is uſed for theſe Purpoſes.—The Powers of Steam, or condenſed Air, and the accelerated Force of deſcending Fluids, may likewiſe be employed in this Machine; for the Purpoſe of working Mills, or Engines of any Sort.

N. B. Orders for the above Articles, from any Part of the World, will be faithfully, and punctually executed at his Manufactory, No. 14, at the Weſt End of Piccadilly.