Page:A Dissertation on the Construction of Locks (1785).pdf/54

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to unequal diſtances from their bearings; and bring the notches, expreſſed on their exterior projections, in a direct line with each other; in the ſame manner, and for the ſame purpoſes, that a ſimilar effect is produced, by the preſſure of the key upon the levers, in the model above deſcribed, for it is to be obſerved, that the diſpoſition of the notches in this, as in the former inſtance, is marked, while the ſliders are under the preſſure of the key. When the key, therefore, is withdrawn, and the ſliders reſume their ſtation in the cells, through the action of the ſprings, the diſpoſition of the notches muſt be irregular, in the ſame proportion and degree, that the indentures on the point of the key are unequal: and they will neceſſarily fall again into a direct line with each other, whenever the ſliders are depreſſed by the key.

The fifth figure repreſents the barrel, or frame, completely furniſhed and fitted for
