Page:A Desk-Book of Errors in English.djvu/218

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A Desk-Book of

position; stationery, writing-materials in general. These words are pronounced alike.

statue, statute: These words are sometimes confounded; a statue is a plastic representation of a human or animal figure as in marble or bronze. A statute is a properly authenticated legislative enactment, especially one passed by a body of representatives.

stay and stop: Stay is sometimes used incorrectly for stop; do not say "I shall stay in Paris on my way to Berlin," but "I shall stop in Paris" etc. Do not say "How long will you stop there?" but "How long will you stay?" etc. Compare sojourn and stop.

step. See stop.

stiff is used for a "corpse" only by the very lowest type of humanity.

stile, style: Exercise care in spelling these words. A stile is a step or series of steps on each side of a fence or wall, to aid in surmounting it; style is fashion.

stimulant, stimulus: The first of these words denotes that which stimulates the system, as coffee does the action of the heart. A stimulus is that which impels or urges on; as, "a stimulus to hard work is offered by the pecuniary reward it yields."

stinker: A coarse term applied to an undesirable acquaintance only by the vulgar. It is a term that unfortunately has some vogue in commercial life.

stop: The word is frequently misused, both for step and stay. "Stop in next time you pass" or "stop