Page:A Desk-Book of Errors in English.djvu/199

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Errors in English

the common vulgarism "got up regardless" which is incomplete, and which to be correct should be rendered "got up regardless of expense."

relation, relative, kinsman: The distinction between these words is not commonly known. A relation or relative is one to whom another may be related by ties of blood or by law. Thus, a brother is a relation or relative by ties of blood; and a brother-in-law is a relation or relative by law. A kin-man, as the formation of the word shows, is a "man's kin"; that is, one of his own blood, as a brother or cousin.

relic, relict: These words, though once interchangeable are no longer so; relict in the sense of relic now being obsolete. A relic is a fragment that remains after the loss or decay of the rest. A relict is either a widow or a widower. In this sense the term, common in law, is archaic or humorous in general use.

relieve. Compare alleviate.

remainder. Compare balance.

remains should not be used for "corpse" or "body."

remit: In commercial usage this word implies the discharge of an account by payment sent; and it should not generally be used as a synonym for send. To remit is "to send or place back." Thus, to forgive, release, withdraw a demand for—any of which actions may replace the recipient of the favor in his former position—is properly spoken of as remit. It is in this sense only that remit is permissible for dis-