Page:A Declaration of the Kings Pleasure.pdf/5

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content to ſee him, and that the rather to the ende to endeuour ſo to deale with him that all occaſions of ielouzie and diſtruſt might be extinguiſhed: wherein ſeeing how ſmally wee pꝛofited, as alſo that our ſaide Towne grewe dayly moꝛe and moꝛe repleniſhed with Gentlemen and ſtrangers, retayners to the ſaid Dukes trayne: alſo, that ſuch ſearches, as we cauſed the magiſtrates and officers thereof to make, were thꝛough the fear wherinto they were dꝛiuen, perfoꝛmed to halues: likewiſe, that the harts and affections of ſundꝛy the enhabitants were dayly pꝛouoked, and moꝛe and moꝛe alienated: together with the oꝛdinary aduertizementes wherby wee were from time to time enfoꝛmed of ſome great troubles to fal out in þ ſame towne,we