Page:A Danish and Dano-Norwegian grammar.djvu/162

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Schiller’s Jungfrau von Orleans.
Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by Benj. W. Wells, Ph. D. 248 pages. Cloth. Mailing price, 70 cents. Introduction price, 60 cents.

THIS edition has grown out of the needs of the editor’s class room. Die Jungfrau is, on the whole, in his opinion, the best book with which to begin the study of the German classics.

The language is in general simple and clear, and offers few difficulties to students in their third or even their second term. But the drama has not hitherto been provided with a body of notes adequate to enable the student to enter fully into the spirit of the period and of the characters.

The Introduction contains an account of the genesis of the drama, its production on the stage, the MSS. and early editions, the metrical structure, and the historical sources, together with Schiller’s additions and alterations. The notes are mainly grammatical and historical. At the end is an appendix on the Regimen of Verbs and the Subjunctive Mood as they appear in the drama. Also a map.

H. S. White, Prof. of German, Cornell Univ.: The commentary contains much that is valuable.
H. H. Boyesen, Prof. of German Lang, and Lit., Columbia Coll., N. Y.: It is a very creditable piece of work, the text being remarkably free from errors and the notes furnishing all supplementary information with commendable accuracy and conciseness.
E. R. Ruggles, Prof. of Mod. Langs., Chandler Scientific Department, Dartmouth Coll.: The Introduction and Biographical notices seem to me admirable and ought to be helpful and stimulating alike to instructor and student.
Geo. O. Curme, Prof. of Mod. Langs., Cornell Coll., Ia.: Am very much pleased with Die Jungfrau von Orleans and will use it next year and permanently establish it in our course. The edition is the best with which I am acquainted.
Thos. L. Angell, Prof. of German, Bates Coll., Lewiston, Me.: Your “Jungfrau von Orleans” introduced by me this year is an excellent work.
Carl F. Kolbe, A. M., Prof. of Mod. Langs., Buchtel Coll., Ohio: For seventeen years I have read the Jungfrau von Orleans, with my classes, considering this drama, the best with which to begin the study of the German Classics. Of all the editions which have come to my knowledge during this time, the one just now edited by Dr. Benj. W. Wells is unquestionably the best. I rejoice that such an edition has come at last to gladden both students and teachers.