Page:A Collection of Esoteric Writings.djvu/96

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It is the leaves of this Tree—the life-giving power which are to be given for the "healing of the nations," and by this means the long-lost, and neglected ones, which the Occult system woald hopelessly consign to annihilation, are to be gathered up and untilted by the great Economiser; so that there shall be nothing lost; and thus the fragments of the (apparently) long-lost Orb shall be collected and form a shining Sun to enlighten the still denser darkness of the neither realms.

In the above few hints, (for your space would not permit of more) I have shown a use for the elementals, reliquæ, etc., etc., which Occult science does appear to recognise; and did your space permit I should be glad to show the necessity for these in the formation of earths, and sustenance of life-forms thereon, and the position they occupy in the Cosmos; but I content myself with this bare outline.

Modern spiritualism, when viewed as an entirely new and diverse (from all that preceded) order of life,—which, instead of being the best at its beginning, commences at Zero,—is a factor which is overlooked in this respect by the Theosophist in its response to Mr. Terry, of Australia—(who is a personal acquaintance of my own) and is hardly satisfactory to those who accept the higher aspects of a more advanced spiritualism. Occultists say that the only safe and right way in dealing with unseen forces, entities, intelligences, or whatever else, is according to their method: and that to seek for or allow 'Controls' to use the human organism, is wrong, if not positively dangerous to the morals of those who permit it; but to my view, the right or wrong of this depends upon the use we make of it, and we must not be forgetful, that this "Controlling power and influence" sometimes comes with a resistless force and the sensitives are completely helpless to withstand.*[1]

  1. * Exactly; and since la this mad inrush of controls the poor sensitive may at any time be knocked off his moral feet down the precipice of spiritual degradation, why tamper with so dangerous a gift? Adepts never encounter a "resistless force," since adeptship means self-control first and then coutrol over all forces of nature external to himself.—T. S. R.