Page:A Collection of Esoteric Writings.djvu/227

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condition above alluded to is represented by the dot over Pranava, as our correspondent says, and hence Benares is described as Mani-karnika.

It will thus be seen that Benares is an external symbolical representation of the Anahata chakra of the Yogis. Death in Benares therefore means the concentration of pragna in the original germ consciousness, which constitutes the real individuality of the man. It must further be noticed that Sahasram represents the positive pole and mulatharam the negative pole in the body. From the mysterious union of their energies in the heart the sacred and irrepressible (Anahata) voice is generated in the Anahata ckakra. This voice is heard when the tempestuous activity of conscious existence terminates in the death of Sushupti, and out of the ashes of the individual man the regenerated man springs into existence electrified by this "song of life." Hence it is stated that when a man dies at Benares, Rudra (a form of manifestation of Thoth, the initiator), communicates to him the secret of the Logos and secures moksha for him. It will be clear now that the popular belief is full of meaning to a student of occult science. Similarly the traditions connected with every other important place of pilgrimage will yield much valuable information when properly interpreted.


This is the title of a recent publication in English of some of the books generally attributed to Hermes. The first book, however, is the only part of the publication to which this heading is strictly appropriate. Two philosophical discourses named "Asclepios on Initiation" and "Definitions of Asclepios" and a few fragments of Hermetic philosophy are added to it, with two introductory Essays by Mr. Maitland and Dr. Kingsford, which are very interesting and instructive.

It will be a most interesting study for every occultist to compare the doctrines of the ancient Hermetic philosophy with