Page:A Collection of Esoteric Writings.djvu/199

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have emanated from his brain at the time he had willed. In such cases I do not know of any instances in which the time set has varied. There are many cases to be disposed of on that snpposition, the only way in which we can account for it is, that the astral man generated the impression at a particular moment without the knowledge of the physical brain, or else it was generated in the physical brain according to the impression left by the first determination.


Suggested by Mr. Sinnett's paper on the same subject.*[1]

In considering this subject we must, above all things, take care to realise that the seven principles in man are not several entities or substances that can be separated and each considered as a distinct individuality having definite characteristics peculiar to itself. In Sanskrit the different principles are called Upadhis, i. e., the sheaths or seats of the different states of existence of the One Life.

The seat of consciousness which gives rise to the feeling of individuality and the sense "I am I" is in the fifth principle.

If there is no fifth principle, i. e., if there is no consciousness of individuality, all the other states of existence are non-existent, for without a percipient ego there can be neither perception nor any object of perception. Hence it is said, that without the son (the germ of consciousness in the Logos roused into activity at the time of Cosmic evolution) there is no Father or Mother. The Father and the Holy Ghost come into existence when the Son is born, and this is the true occult explanation of the Trinity in Unity and Unity in Trinity. Perhaps it may be objected that animals can take cognisance of existence although they have no fifth principle; but the reason of this is that, although the fifth principle is not united to the lower principles of the animals, it yet over-

  1. * Vide the Theosophist, February 1885, page 106.