Page:A Child of the Jago - Arthur Morrison.djvu/88

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den picture of blank incomprehension. "Eh What? Click?—wot's a click? Sneaked? Wot's that? I dunno nothink about no talk o' that sort, an I don't want to. It's my belief it means somethink wrong—but I dunno, an' I don't want to. 'Ear that? Eh? Don't let me 'ave no more o' that, or you'd better not come near me agin. If you find somethink—awright, you come to me and I'll give ye somethink for it, if it 's any good. It ain't no business of anybody's where you find it, o' course, an' I don't want to know. But clicks and sneaks—them 's Greek to me, an' I don't want to learn 'em. Unnerstand that? Nice talk to respectable people, with yer clicks an' sneaks!"

Dicky blushed a little, and felt very guilty without in the least understanding the offense. But Mr. Weech's virtuous indignation subsided as quickly as it had arisen, and he went on as amiably as ever.