Page:A Child of the Jago - Arthur Morrison.djvu/74

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she trembled. She wished Dicky would come and do her errand. But there was no sign of him, and mid-day wore into afternoon. It was late for Josh as it was, and he would be sure to come home irritable—it was his way when a bad head from overnight struggled with morning beer. If he found nothing to eat there would be trouble.

At length she resolved to go herself. There was a lull in the outer din, and what there was seemed to come from the further parts of Honey Lane and Jago Row. She would slip across by Luck Row to Meakin Street, and be back in five minutes. She took up little Looey, went.

As Dicky, stickless, turned into Luck Row, there arose a loud shriek and then another, and then, in a changed voice a succession of long screams, with a regular breath-pause. Sally Green again!