Page:A Child of the Jago - Arthur Morrison.djvu/303

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slice of cake afterward. This seemed very generous. More: Mr. Weech's manner was uncommonly amiable, and when the meal was over, of his own motion, he handed over a supplementary penny. Dicky was surprised; but he had no objection, and he thought little more about it.

As soon as he appeared in Luck Row he was told that his father had been "smugged." Indeed the tidings had filled the Jago within ten minutes. Josh Perrott was walking quietly along Meakin Street—so went the news—when up comes Snuffy and another split, and smugs him. Josh had a go for Weech's door, to cut his lucky out at the back, but was caught. That was a smart notion of Josh's, the Jago opinion ran, to get through Weech's and out into the courts behind. But it was no go.

Hannah Perrott sat in her room, inert and lamenting. Dicky could not rouse