Page:A Child of the Jago - Arthur Morrison.djvu/238

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Then he hurried on, doubtless conceiving just such a fear as Kiddo Cook's. As for Tommy Rann, his affections were alienated by Dicky's outset refusal to secrete treacle in a tin mug for a midnight carousal; and he did not show himself. So matters went on for a week.

But Mr. Weech missed Dicky sadly. It was rare for a day to pass without a visit from Dicky, and Dicky had a way of bringing good things. Mr. Weech would not have sold Dicky's custom for ten shillings a week. So that when Mr. Weech inquired, and found that Dicky was at work in an oil-shop, he was naturally annoyed. Moreover, if Dicky Perrott got into that way of life, he would have no fear for himself, and might get talking inconveniently among his new friends about the business affairs of Mr. Aaron Weech. And at this reflection that philanthropist grew thoughtful.