Page:A Child of the Jago - Arthur Morrison.djvu/101

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meet him. "I was expectin' you. Come in—

In the swe-e-et by an' by
We shall meet on that beautiful shaw-er!

Come in 'ere."

Still humming his hymn, Mr. Weech led Dicky into the shop parlour. Here Dicky produced the clock, which Mr. Weech surveyed with no great approval.

"You'll 'ave to try an' do better than this, you know," he said. "But any 'ow 'ere it is, sich as it is. It about clears auf wot you owe, I reckon. Want some dinner?"

This was a fact, and Dicky admitted it.


In the swe-e-e-t by an' by,—

Come out an' set down. I'll bring you somethink 'ot."

This proved to be a very salt bloater, a cup of the usual muddy coffee, tasting of burnt toast and a bit of bread, afterwards