Page:A Catechism on the Thirty nine Articles.pdf/97

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passed upon any particular person the sentence of excommunication.

Who has authority to pass the sentence of excommunication?

The bishop of the diocese, or a judge deputed by him.

Why is this publication called the denunciation of the Church?

Because it is done by those whose authority so to do the Church has always recognised.

What do you mean by "rightly cut off?"

Cut off for some great sin, and after proper trial by the bishop or those appointed for the purpose.

What is meant by being "cut off from the unity of the Church?"

Being separated from the communion and society of the Church, so as no longer to be reckoned to belong to it.

What does the Article say of such a person?

That he is " to be taken of the whole multitude of the faithful, as a Heathen and Publican."

What is meant by "the whole multitude of the faithful?"

The whole body of Christians.

In what manner is he to be treated?

He is "to be avoided."

How long is he to be so treated?

"Until he be openly reconciled by penance, and received into the Church by a Judge that hath authority thereunto."