Page:A Catechism on the Thirty nine Articles.pdf/59

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some individuals to be saved, and others to be lost; and feeling themselves not to be at peace with God, they are apt to think they are not of the elect, and so cannot be saved.

Is it safe for persons to suppose themselves specially predestined by God, and then to take the promises of God to themselves?

No: for "God's promises must be received in such wise, as they are generally set forth to us in Holy Scripture."

How is that?

They are addressed to classes of persons in general, and not to individuals; and therefore we must see whether we have the marks of those to whom they were given.

Is it right for persons to suppose, because they are God's elect people, therefore they are exempted from the ordinary rules of Christian duty?

No: "in our doings we must follow that will of God, which we have expressly declared to us in the Word of God."

Article XVIII.

What is the subject of the eighteenth Article?

"Of obtaining eternal Salvation only by the Name of Christ."

What error is condemned in this Article?

The opinion that "every man shall be saved by the Law or Sect which he professeth, so that he be