Page:A Catechism on the Thirty nine Articles.pdf/53

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Prove that Jesus Christ was thus void of sin.

"He came to be a Lamb without spot, who, by sacrifice of Himself once made, should take away the sins of the world."

Prove this.

St. John i. 29; Heb. ix. 14, 28. St. John says, He is "the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sins of the world;" and St. Paul, that "He offered Himself without spot to God."

What further proof does the Article adduce?

"Sin, as St. John saith, was not in Him."

Where is this passage?

1 St. John iii. 5.

What is the condition of all other men?

They "offend in many things."

Who asserts this ?

St. James iii. 2.

Prove that those who are baptized and born again in Christ are in the same condition.

1 St. John i. 8. "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us."

Show that this applies to those who are baptized and born again in Christ.

St. John's Epistles were written only for such persons.

Why was it necessary to assert that Christ alone is without sin?

To contradict the error of those who assert that the Blessed Virgin was without sin.