Page:A Catechism on the Thirty nine Articles.pdf/49

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Ps. cxxx. 3; cxliii. 2. Because they are always more or less imperfect.

How then are they "pleasing and acceptable unto God?"

Because they are nevertheless the fruit of the "inspiration of His Holy Spirit."

What is a lively faith?

A living effectual faith.

Prove that good works are a necessary fruit of a lively faith.

St. James ii. 16-18. "Faith, if it have not works, is dead, being alone."

What, then, is the connection of good works with justification?

They prove that we continue in a state of justification. Rom. viii. 5, 6; 1 St. John ii. 3.

Article XIII.

What is the subject of the thirteenth Article?

"Works before Justification."

What phrase is used in this Article to express the same sense as "justification?"

"The receiving the grace of Christ, and the inspiration of his Spirit."

What do you infer from this?

That the communication of the Spirit of Christ accompanies the grace of Christ by which we are justified.