Page:A Catechism on the Thirty nine Articles.pdf/37

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Those commandments which regulate our general conduct towards God and each other.

Where are they briefly summed up?

In the Ten Commandments.

Prove that they are binding upon Christians.

St. Matt. v. 17-20; Rom. viii. 4. Our Lord in His sermon on the Mount says that "whosoever shall do and teach them, shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven;" and St. Paul says that the object of the Gospel is "that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us."

Article VIII.

What is the subject of the eighth Article?

"The Three Creeds."

What is a Creed?

A form of words in which we profess our belief in certain divine things or truths.

What is the Creed which is here named "Nicene Creed?"

That which is said in the Communion Office, in the Church of England, and allowed to be said in the Morning and Evening Service in the Church in the United States.

Why is it called Nicene?

Because it contains the Creed drawn up at the great council of bishops, held at Nicæa, in Bithynia, a. d. 325, as afterwards enlarged at the second General Council, of Constantinople, a. d. 381.