Page:A Catechism on the Thirty nine Articles.pdf/20

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Prove that the Word or Son of God took man's nature.

St. John i. 14; Phil. ii. 6-8.

Prove that He did this "in the womb of the Virgin Mary and of her substance."

St. Luke i. 31, 32; Gal. iv. 4.

Prove that the Word of God, when made man, had the whole and perfect nature of God.

Col. ii. 9. "In Him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead."

Prove that He had likewise the whole and perfect nature of man.

Heb. ii. 16, 17. "In all things it behoved Him to be made like unto His brethren."

Prove that "the Godhead and manhood were joined in one Person."

Phil. ii. 6, 7; Col. i. 14, 17; Heb. i. 8, 9. It is the same Person, who "was in the form of God and thought it not robbery to be equal with God," that "was made in the likeness of man and became obedient unto death:" the same "by whom all things consist," and in whose "blood we have redemption;" the same "whose throne is for ever and ever, and who hath God for His God."

Prove that this Person is never to be divided.

Rev. i. 17, 18. "He liveth and was dead, and is alive for evermore."

Prove that, thus united, the two natures make one Christ.