Page:A Catechism on the Thirty nine Articles.pdf/16

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What do you mean when you say that He is "without parts?"

That He cannot be divided into different portions.

How does this appear to be true?

It follows from His having no body.

How does this agree with those passages of Holy Scripture in which the eye, the arm, the feet, &c, of God, are spoken of?

This is only a figurative manner of speaking, employed to convey certain ideas more perfectly to our minds.

What do you mean by saying that He is "without passions?"

That He cannot be wrought upon or changed by any other being.

How does that appear?

Because He could not be the sovereign Ruler and Director of all things, if He were liable to be wrought upon or changed by any thing else.

Show from Scripture that God is unchangeable.

St. James i. 17. "With Him is no variableness, neither shadow of turning."

Why then is God spoken of as being angry or grieved, &c.?

Because the truth could not have been in any degree made known to us, except by language drawn from our own manner of feeling and acting.

Prove from Scripture that God is of infinite power.