Page:A Catechism on the Thirty nine Articles.pdf/114

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2. Because God Himself ordained death as the punishment for certain offences; and St. Paul informs us that the civil ruler is authorized by God to "bear the sword" and to "execute" with it "wrath upon him that doeth evil." Rom. xiii. 4.]

What does the Church in the United States assert of " the power of the civil magistrate?"

That it " extendeth to all men, as well clergy as laity, in all things temporal."

Has he any authority beyond this?

The civil magistrate " hath no authority in things purely spiritual."

What is asserted to be the duty of all Christian men?

"To pay respectful obedience to the civil authority, regularly and legitimately constituted."

Article XXXVIII.

What is the subject of the thirty-eighth Article?

"Christian Men's Goods."

What does the Article teach in regard to them?

That they " are not common, as touching the right, title, and possession of the same."

What do you understand by this?

That Christians have not a common or general right and title to the goods which they severally occupy; nor ought they to claim the common possession of each other's goods.