Page:A Catechism on the Thirty nine Articles.pdf/107

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What is the subject of the Articles contained in the fifth division?

The civil duties of the members of the Church.

What Articles does it contain?

The thirty-seventh, thirty-eighth, and thirty-ninth.

Article XXXVII.

What is the subject of the thirty-seventh Article?

"The Civil Magistrates."[1]

What is the meaning of that expression?

The rulers or governors pertaining to this world?

[Who is the chief of these?

The king or queen.

What power has he in consequence?

He has "the chief government of all estates in the realm, whether they be ecclesiastical or civil."

What is meant by "all estates in the realm?"

All ranks and classes of persons in the kingdom.

What is meant by "ecclesiastical estates?"

Classes of persons in the ministry of the Church.

What is the effect of the king's having the chief government of all classes?

  1. Much of this Article differs, as set forth by the Church of England, from that form given it by the P. E. Church in the United States. But the explanation of the English Article is retained, on account of its important statements concerning the usurpations of the Bishop of Rome.
