Page:A Catalogue of Graduates who have Proceeded to Degrees in the University of Dublin, vol. 2.djvu/58

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20 A CATALOGUE OF THE GRADUATES Briscoe (William Thomas), B. A., ul':st. 1870.— M. B. and M.Ch., IT ion. 1870. Bristow (John), M. A., Iliem. 1874. Brodio (John), B. A., ^7w^. 1870.— M. A., ^TM. 187+. l?rooko (Arthur St. Clair), M. A., Eiem. 1874. 5 Brooke (Leonard Dohbiu), B. A. and M. A., Ver7i. 1879. Brooke (William), LL. D. {honoris causa), JEst. 187 1 (vol. i. p. 67, L 16). Brooke (William Graham), M. A., Riem. 1868. Brooks (Henry St. John), B. A., M.B., and B. Ch., Vern. 1882. Brooks (Salter), B.A., Jliem. 1875. 10 Brooks (William Henry), Sch., 1872.— B. A., JEst. 1874.— M. A., ^st. 1 88 1. Brough (Richard Lambert La Touche), B. A., Hiem. 1869. Brougham and Vaux, for JEst. read August 17 (vol. i. p. 67, Brougham (Henry), Sch., 1846.— B.D. and D. D., ^st. 1878. Brown (Hugh Dunlop), B. A., Hiem. 1881. 15 Brown (John WiUs), B. A., ^st. 1845.— M. A., yJ<:st. 1854. Brown (Matthew Barry Charles), B. A., Mem. 1870. Brown (Michael), B. A., Vern. 1863.— M. A., Vern. 1874. Brown (Stephen James), B. A., Eie)n. 1875. Brown (Walter Henry), B. A., ^st. 1881. 20 Brown (William Alcock), B. A., Hiem. 1879. Brown (William Henry), B. A., Hiem. 1869.— M. A., Vern. 1873. Brown (William James), B. A., ^st., M. B., Hiem. 1872. Brown (Thomas Southwell), B. A. and M. A., u^st. 1882. Browne (Charles James), B. A. andM.B., Vern. 1876. 25 Browne (Daniel Francis), B. A., ^st. 1882. Browne (Dodwell Francis), M. A. and LL. B., JEst. 1878. Browne, for (Dominick A.), read (Dominick Augustus) (vol. i. p. 69, 1. i). Browne (Francis William), B. A., Vern. 1881. Brown (James), M. B. and M.D., JEst. 1873 (vol. i. p. 69, 1. 21). 30 Browne (John Carter). B. D. {ad eund. Cantah.) and D. D., vEst. 1877. Browne (John M'Leavy), B. A. and LL. B., ^st. 1881. Browne (John Henry), B.A., Hiem. 1873. Browne (John Pearce), B. A., Hiem. 1867.