Page:A Catalogue of Graduates who have Proceeded to Degrees in the University of Dublin, vol. 2.djvu/51

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IN THE UNIVEKSITY OF DUBLIN. 13 Bernard (John (Henry), Sch., 1879. — B. A., Hiem. 1880. Bernard (Michael Charles), for M. A., read M. B. (vol. i. p. 42, 1- 25). Berry (Frederick Charles), B. A., u^st. 1877.— M.B., ^st. 1878.— B.Ch., ^«^. 1879.— M. D., ^s^. 1882. Berry (Henry Fitzpatrick), B. A., Hiem. 1867. — M. A., ^st. 1878. 5 Berry (John), B. A., JEst. 1877.— M. A., ^5^. 1880. Berry (James Fleetwood), B. A., ^st. iS'jg. — M. A., Tern. 1883. Berry (Thomas Holbeche), B. A., ^st. 1878. Berry, for (Thomas B.), read (Thomas Marlborough), M. A., ^st. 1867 (vol. i. p. 43, 1. 11). Berry (Thomas SterKng), Sch., 1874. — B. A., Hiem. 1875. — B. D., -ff/m. 1878.— M. A., Vern. 1882. 10 Berry (William), B. A. [ad eundem Cantah.), Hiem. 1873. Besley (Edward Frederick Seymour), B. A., JEst. 1878. — M. A., ^st. 1882. Bestall (Charles Albert), B. A., JEst. 1867. Bevan (Frederick), B. A., ^st. 1878. Bevan (Robert Hall Hagan), B. A., Vern. 1880. 15 Beveridge (Edmund Francis), B. A., Hiem. 1878. — M. B. and B. Ch., JEst. 1883. Bewley (Henry Theodore), Sch., 1880.— B. A., Hiem.. 1882. Bewley (Joseph), B.A., Hiem. 1878. — M. A., Vern. 1883. Bewley (William), B. A., Vern. 1881. Bewsher (Francis William), B.D. and D.D., ^st. 1881. 20 Biekerstaff (Marcus John), M. A., JEst. 1871. — i7>r B. A., Vern. 1857, ^^^^ 1847. Bickerstafi (William), B. A., Hiem. 1866. — M. A., Hiem. 1872. Biddulph (Richard Edmund), B. A., ^st. 1874.— M.B., ^st. 1876.— B.Ch., Vern. 1877. Biddulph (Robert Waller), B. A. and M. B., Hiem. 1868.— M.Ch., u^st. 1869. Biddulph (William Nicholas), B.A., Vern. 1870.— M. A., Vern. 1873- 25 Biggs (Richard), N. F. Sch., 1868.— B. A., iZim. 1868.— M. A., Hiem. 1871. — LL. B. and LL. D., J^st. 1874% Bindon (John Francis Arthur), Sch., 1867. — 'Q. k., Hiem. 1872. M. A., Hiem. 1873.