Page:A Catalogue of Graduates who have Proceeded to Degrees in the University of Dublin, vol. 2.djvu/10

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iv INTRODUCTION. vilcges and powers ; and that tlio Provost and Senior Fellows of the College constituted the only Senate or University con- vocation which was recognised by Charter, and were entrusted with the same powers of electing Officers and conferring De- grees, which in the English Universities belong to a body consisting of Masters of Arts and Doctors in the higher facul- ties. A reference is therein made, in terms of unqualified ap- proval, to a pamphlet published a.d. 1804 by the late Rev. George Miller, D. D., then a Fellow of the College, "for a complete and satisfactory discussion of the question about the distinction between the College and the University." This discussion was afterwards deemed by the writer to be incomplete and unsatisfactory. In his introduction to the Book of Graduates published in i86q,* the same learned and much lamented wiiter (the late Dr. Todd) confuted the positions on which Dr. Miller relied in order to prove that the University was not a distinct body. In this later publication reference is made to the official records, whereby it is shown that "the University consisted in Temple's time, as it does now, of the Chancellor or Vice- Chancellor, with the congregation of Doctors and Masters who constitute the Senate ; and the Caput Senatus Academici." Temple was Provost of Trinity College from November, a.d. 1609, until January, a.d. 1627 ; and therefore the University and its Senate, as above described, could only have been con- stituted under the Charter of 34 Elizabeth, a.d. 1592. This Charter consists of two parts — one relating to the College, designed to be (as described therein) 'mater Univer- sitatis,' for the education, institution, and instruction of youths and students in arts and faculties; the other relating to the University that was to be brought into existence. The former provides an eleemosynary foundation for the support and habi- tation of a Provost, Fellows, and Scholars (whom it names), and their successors, and it constitutes these a body politic and

  • P. xvi. n. xviii. n., p. xxxi., xxxiii. (a.), xli., 1., Ivi., &c.