Page:A Catalogue of Graduates who have Proceeded to Degrees in the University of Dublin, vol. 1.djvu/75

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INTRODUCTION. Ixix It remains now only to return my thanks to Mr. Charles IMiller of Trinity College, who undertook the very great labour of tran- scribing all the names of the Graduates, inserting their Degrees and dates in the proper places, arranging them in alphabetical order, and seeing that they were printed in an uniform manner. It is not easy to overrate even the mechanical labour and tedium of such a work. I have also to return my warmest and most grateful thanks to my excellent friend, the Rev, William Reeves, D. D., of Armagh, who read all the proof sheets, and corrected innumerable errors. It is to him a real pleasure to give his valuable aid to every literary work. He spares neither his time, nor labour, to assist such of his friends as may be engaged in any research, to which he can contribute the assistance of his great learning. JAMES H. TODD, D. D., Senior Fellotv of Trinity College, and Regius Professor of Hebrew in the University of Dublin. Trinity College, Dublin. February 1869.